Welcome to PROMiNET
The Regional Infrastructure for Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Research (PROMiNET) is a clinical research infrastructure with the main goals to facilitate that PROM are increasingly included in clinical studies and to improve the quality of the PROM used in clinical research.
PROMiNET is incorporated in the Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), at the Research Support Services, Oslo University Hospital, in the health region of South-Eastern Norway (Helse Sør-Øst).
PROMiNET is a Regional clinical research infrastructure for PROM and the main goals are to facilitate increased use of PROM in clinical studies and to improve the quality of such assessments.
PROMiNET supports researchers through a network of clinical scientists from the institutions within Helse Sør-Øst.
PROMs refer to various measures where patients directly report how they function or feel in relation to their health condition and treatment. PROMs are frequently used when measuring quality of life, functions and symptoms. To ensure that the PRO results may contribute to change clinical practice, it’s paramount that the PROMs are relevant, validated, reliable and measured at the correct time points.
PROMiNET provide scientists with easy access to updated knowledge, validated methods and tests. PROMiNET share links with the scientific community to articles and guidelines that increase the scientific knowledge from idea to published articles in order to increase the knowledge of PROM in clinical trials and develop new and existing methods for assessing PROMs.
PROMiNET arrange courses on master and PhD-levels covering the scientific background of use of PROMs, writing of protocols and conduction of studies with PROMS, and psychometrics and other statistical methods. In addition, PROMiNET facilitate cooperation between PROM scientists in the region, nationally and internationally.
Patients and public involvement (PPI) is increasingly recognized as a quality statement and is crucial in PROMiNET. Their involvement in the planning, conduction and interpretation of clinical research provide better design, recruiting, compliance and participation in clinical trials. This ensure that the patient group, that knows the disease, illness or procedure, is able to guide the research to be more clinical relevant.